
Become an accomplished professional musician 和 prepare to teach advanced performing arts with a 音乐艺术博士(DMA)在表演  在坦普尔博耶音乐舞蹈学院. Master your instrument of choice 和 develop sophisticated music interpretation skills. 性能直接存储器存取 graduates become educators in higher education 和 performers in professional music ensembles throughout the world, 他们在私人工作室教书.

性能DMA程序关注的是 17个器乐和声集中. 你将通过合奏的机会磨练你的音乐技巧, 演奏会和严格的表演训练. The curriculum also focuses on a thorough underst和ing of music analysis, history 和 theory.

Students take private lessons with the Instrumental Studies Department’s exceptional, 高度专业化 教师和客座讲师 获得宝贵的现实经验. Boyer’s faculty members have performed with The Chamber Music Orchestra of Philadelphia, 特拉华交响乐团, 费城交响乐团, 费城歌剧公司和宾夕法尼亚芭蕾舞团, 等.

As part of Temple’s interdisciplinary Center for the Performing 和 Cinematic 艺术, students in the 性能直接存储器存取 program can grow their musicianship through access to Temple’s state-of-the-art facilities, 包括集体排练场地, 练习室和录音室.

类 & 课程

The required credit hours for the 性能直接存储器存取 degree are between 54 和 55 credits, 取决于你选择的浓度. The culminating event for most concentrations is a final recital 和 monograph, 论文:关于某一重点研究领域的书面论文. 学生有七年的时间获得学位.

你的课程将取决于你的专注程度, 虽然许多专业要求课程,如

  • 室内乐博士,
  • 最后的独奏会
  • 管弦乐队演出.




A Boyer College of Music 和 Dance student plays the harp during rehearsal.

学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Doctor of Musical 艺术 offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university 和 are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 这些学费适用于2024-2025学年.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,239.每学分00美元
州外: $1,652.每学分00美元

你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.


学生俱乐部 & 组织


You can focus on 表演 or you can take one of the following concentrations.

  • 巴松管

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through bassoon performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 大提琴

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through cello performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 单簧管

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through clarinet performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 低音提琴

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through double bass performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 长笛

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through flute performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 法国号

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through French horn performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 竖琴

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through harp performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 历史上的键盘

    Grow 和 develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through performance. Students are expected to achieve the most advanced level of professional experience, knowledge 和 training in the performance of solo 和 ensemble music on historical keyboard instruments.

  • 双簧管

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through oboe performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 打击乐器

    Develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through percussion performance, 在高度专业化的教师的指导下.

  • 钢琴

    Grow 和 develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through piano performance under the guidance of faculty.

  • 长号

    Grow 和 develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through trombone performance under the guidance of faculty.

  • 小号

    Grow 和 develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through trumpet performance under the guidance of faculty.

  • 大号

    Grow 和 develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through tuba performance under the guidance of faculty.

  • 中提琴

    Grow 和 develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through viola performance under the guidance of faculty.

  • 小提琴

    Grow 和 develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through violin performance under the guidance of faculty.

  • 的声音

    Grow 和 develop the highest 和 most sophisticated expression of musical interpretation through voice performance under the guidance of faculty.
